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Responsive Website

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Responsive Website

Develop your website-make it responsive

Responsive Website

Responsive Website allows your website to be one step ahead of the latest devices. By making use of fluid design and crafting your site to respond optimally to the size of the screen it is viewed on, it will look perfect whatever the environment - be it start phones, tablets or large desktop monitor. At Digital Global Solution we design process lets us work from smartphones to tablets to desktop monitors, meaning no matter what configuration of screen displays your site, you can be 100% confident it will look stunning. Responsive design will save you time and money over the short, medium and long term.Going responsive guarantees lower initial set-up costs compared to developing concurrent mobile and desktop versions of the same site. It also means you only have one site's content to maintain, thus lowering the risk of incorrect/inconsistent content across the company's web presence.

Responsive Website Layout

By Responsive Website Layout we mean your website will ‘work on all devices’ and by devices we mean phones, tablets, laptops and computers. There are now more than 232 sizes of screens available in different devices. Instead of creating 232 different layouts for your website, we create a responsive layout that detects how wide the screen is on the device being used and automatically works out the best way to display your website. Over 80% of Indian and 93% US adults now use a mobile device to access the internet. By not having a website with a responsive design many businesses are losing more than half of their potential target market, customers and sales. Having a website designed and built by Digital Global Solution ensures that your website can be seen by the maximum number of visitors possible.

Benefits of a Responsive Layout:

  • Your website looks great on all devices – Users do not need to zoom in on smaller devices to try and read the content.
  • Saves time and money – No need to design and maintain additional sites for each type of device. Content can be edited and update using one single website.
  • Search Engine Optimisation is improved – Google ranks sites optimised for mobile devices higher in mobile searches.
  • Better performance (easier to use) – The responsive design displays images optimised for each device. In turn your website will load and display quicker.
  • Incredible Support –Responsive Design is fluid and adapts to new technology.